Wednesday, February 28, 2007


So, you know how we have Xmas.... that's because X is the latin symbol for christ (as I understand) sooo..... Christians become Xians. I thought that was cool, and it gave my blog a title.

But now the real blog, some of you may have noticed my shirt today (probably not) but it's like something from some fund raiser called a bible run. I think there is a crucifix and a bible on the back of it.
And I personally don't go to church, don't get me wrong I'm a very spiritual person but I don't think I will find my own salvation by going to church. But I always get such reactions when I wear this shirt that make me ashamed to wear it; like people at school who are into the bible scene occasionally(and sincerely) comment on my shirt like "Oh man, that's so awesome. Where'd you get it?" And one time I was even the target of a beggar because of it. Anyways today at the bank an elderly gentleman commented on the shirt saying how it's nice to see young people getting involved with their church...OMG!
I felt like such a jerk for wearing it. I'm not going to lie to any of you, I had bought it maybe two years ago at value village and I was just like "Oh shit son, this shirt is amazing, and it would be terribly ironic for me to get it, man."
But anyways I feel guilty for wearing it, but at the same time, I like wearing it because its comfy and not atrociously horrible looking.

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