Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sweet Day

Today, was SUCH a great day. I'm very pleased with it for many reasons and I thought I'd list them:
We got some work done in philosophy(that never happens and my mark really could easily be improved if I did more work;
I got my english presention over with (and I don't think it was too painfully bad);
I got to see this guy who I have had the biggest crush on since the begining of last year (but I was too shy to talk to him, and drama folks.... it isn't Brad Cook.);
I got to take part in some really cool breath excersises in drama class (this was Brad Cook);
I got some more posters and crap from my brother (he's moving out soon);
I am almost done a workable outline for my final ENG essay (I was having such a problem with that);
I found out that the one girl who I worked with and <3 got her job back!!!!!!!

I'm sure there were other things but these are what stand out. ^_^

But on the reverse side I started my online chemistry course.... that system is so confusing, and I have trouble sitting infront of a computer and leaning from reading large blocks of text, and chemistry doesn't come easy for me.


Sosnos said...

HAHAHHAHAHA omg i totally love how you put in brackets that it wasnt brad cook, because for a milisecond i thought it was. Your a dork. but omg, hes cute. Furthermore, the breathing excersises ROCKED, although afterwards i felt EXTREMELY tired for some reason. Nonetheless, fun day. cheers!

Sosnos said...

HAHAHHAHAHA omg i totally love how you put in brackets that it wasnt brad cook, because for a milisecond i thought it was. Your a dork. but omg, hes cute. Furthermore, the breathing excersises ROCKED, although afterwards i felt EXTREMELY tired for some reason. Nonetheless, fun day. cheers!

Katrina Hall said...

Good job on your english presentation. You did a good job..I specifically liked how you made us take off our shoes and we did that ritual by pressing the bottoms of our feet together. It was quite relaxing :)I didn't know anything about bokanism or that the word even existed, so I learned a few things.

Victoria Roth said...

good job (on all the awesomeness and fun stuff)