Monday, February 19, 2007

Grade 12

So, I thought I'd post on how I'm liking gr 12 so far. And so far I'm liking it; I mean teachers - treating you as equals and with respect. When did that happen? Definitely not in other grades.

And ok, another favourite part of grade 12 is 5th year students, I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous but let me explain. There are a specific few 5th year students who I have class with and am now friends with, or well at least more than acquaintances with, who are now my peers who last year I idolized and had up on a pedestal and saw as godly older kids and now they're my peers and we joke around and have meaningful conversations with where not knowing them as well last year from not having classes with them I would have naturally shyed away from much covnersation. I don't think everyone's grade 12 experience has been quite the same because a lot of this connection of the 5th year students comes from Drama class but it's really quite amazing.
I think that this realization for me is good (not just for me but for people in general) because it like enforces that people are people are people are people irregardless of whether you've put them up on a pedestal in your head or not, so it like can eliminate getting over that stuff in the future. Liiiikkeee...... "wow, you're the district manager, we're not even in the same league, I am afraid to say something stupid so I'll just keep quiet".
I'm not sure if that made any sense but it did in my head so I supose if as the writer I understand what I was trying to communicate that's all that matter. (NOT!)

1 comment:

joe cvetich said...

It made imperfect sense. I am still amazed when I find out people I thought were the most together, secure people in the world actually have fears! I have come to believe that 99% of us are deep down the same: we need love and acceptance regardless of the image we project to the world. I try to keep this in mind as I'm dealing with students who best...acting in inappropriate ways.