Thursday, February 15, 2007

Boys, Boys, Boys

So this is my blog about boys, why because it can be also because of an encounter I had the other day. But thats for laaaatterrr.....
SO I've decided boy's are like candy. Pretty much awesome, and you can never have enough it (ok maybe eventually) and everyone has a favourite. LOL. Also I mean this is the most non-explicit manner. Also, like candy most boys are bad for you (except apples, nature's candy).

Anyways the encounter that has me thinking about boys happened when I saw a mysterious guy lurking in the halls, and my initial thoughts were "damn, he's cute. But waaaaiittt..... a little old to be a student, and far too young to be a teacher. Anyways maybe hes here from another school and hes one of them fancy city kids who look older." Then he started talking to me, and I won't put in our entire convo but he had a totally mysterious aura to him that was undescribable. Ok I lied, I'll put some of our conversation.
Me: My ride is here. Bye
Him: Wait before you go, what is your name?
Me: Traci
Him: It was nice meeting you Traci
Me: You too, I'm sorry what was your name?
Him: Most people call me Wilson.
Me: Well it was nice meeting you, Wilson.

PS: Boys, like candy if they're really bad for you will go straight to your thighs. LOLz OMG JK.... Don't worry about it ^_~

1 comment:

Victoria Roth said...

HAHA! Oh traci I loved how you told me this in Art the other day ... nice job.