Sunday, March 04, 2007

More about my brother

My brother, he moved out right.
Which is awwweeesssssooommmeeee!!!
Just because, now I get his old dresser. XD And my current one, my mom got in the 80's and it was old then. It's a ratty piece of shit. Not even kidding.
Ok, but also this story gets sketchy from here on in.
Some of you **may** remember a blog I wrote were I mentioned a conversation I had with my brother and he said he was going to remind me that he likes porn every month. Yeah, shady I know.
So before he moved he was packing all his stuff up (I got a lot of free junk :D) and he calls me over.
There was a box with a bunch of girly mags and he's like "I figured you were due for a reminder" and I was just like "what the fuck, you're such a creeper. Get out of my house, right now."

Moral of the story is.... my brother is ridiculous. Long and the short of it. And he's gone :D
No more drinking all the water, liquor and soda.

1 comment:

Victoria Roth said...

haha, ya your brother sounds like a special kid. I'd be worried if he was my brother. Sounds like you got a deal out of this whole thing.