Monday, February 05, 2007


I thought I'd post about dreams, and more particularily the one I had.... last night. Dreams are really freaky things. Things happen in dreams and its all so significant but when you try to tell someone about it; they never understand. Dream's are definately a marvel of the brain, and it's so weird how dreams can be linked to deja vu when you're like standing around and you realize that everything you're seeing you've seen in a dream before. Or that atleast happens to me and I know it seems to happen to other people too......
Lucid dreams are insane, I mean I wish I knew that I was dreaming, but I never know its a dream until its over. And I guess a lot of people dream in black and white, I've alway remembered dreaming it color, dreaming in black and white would be soo.... bland.
So last night my dream was an elaborate story or love, decception, betrayal aaaaaaaand.... the oposite of betrayal. I'm not going to even attempt to type out the events because it was filled with plot holes and non-sense. But the basic outline of the dream was like... one of those movies where two people fall in love, one person fucks it up and the shit hits the fan, and then they redeem themselve's and true love conquers all.
Also I find re-occurring dreams to be so interesting. Not sure why....


Katrina Hall said...

omg! I know exactly what you mean. My friend and I actually had a very similar conversation about this today. Dreams are definitely a marvel of the brain..and the ones that just happen over and over and over, why do they do that? Today something happened that made me remember my dream of last's CRAZY how the human mind workds, just insane.

Victoria Roth said...

I agree it's completely crazy. But what I don't like are reoccuring dreams. I dunno, they just freak me out. I guess because I used to have the same dream over and over again, every year on the same date. It's weird how the brain works indeed.

Sosnos said...

I don't think it's quite so crazy. Many people have tried and failed to give a reason why we dream.. but I agree with the scientific explanation that dreams are just a result of our brain on hyper active mode while we sleep. Dreams are just like a patchwork quilt of thoughts and events that have happened in our life. At least thats' the way it is for me. I've never had a dream where the events ACTUALLY ended up happening.. thats just weird. But yea.. I dunno. Dreams?? not crazy.. maybe it is the DREAMER who determines how crazy the dreams are.. by how crazy THEY are!

Cole Jancsar said...

Have you ever thought that maybe we are always dreaming? And that life is a big dream?