Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Optimistic change?

Ok, so yesterday I was one of the 'lucky' people who got to judge the grade 9 science fair. I felt so brain dead after the fact, all I could do is just stare at the well blankly for the rest of the day. It's not because the projects were bad, but marking them was painful on the brain and after relying on a calculator for years in math and physics doing simple addition proved to be quite the challenge without a calculator, also it was nearly two hole periods of marking them. o_o *twitch*
But to get to the optimistic part of it, nearly all the projects were well done and showed effort, and seriously, a couple of them I don't think I couldv'e done even now. So I was really impressed with that.
Another thing that really impressed me reccently is that last tuesday my friend returned me the game "elebits" and me being the total airhead that I sometimes am forgot t, in a clasrooom for a week, and to my pleasant surprize it was still there a week later. Kudos to you W-O!

1 comment:

Victoria Roth said...

HAHA!! Good job Trac. That's special of you.