Thursday, April 05, 2007

Ten things you will never...

Ten things you will never hear me say to a teacher.(Point of interest this is inspired on stand-up comedy I watched that was like "Things you will never hear anyone in my apartment say, and it was funny like ex"Mmm fresh milk!" . So Im hoping to emulate it and it will result in comical results! And it very well could be less than 10)
So remember it's:(maybe) Ten things you will never hear me say to a teacher

1; Only 87%, that's going to bring down my average so much!

2; Ah, that homework was so fun, I only wished you would've assigned more.

3; Wow! Mr. Cvetich that's fascinating! (It's funny because it's a cheap shot)

4; I think we've been given too much class time for this. Could we move on?

5; Don't worry, she won't find out. (Two notes, this is tings I will NEVER say to a teacher and also I decided a more subtle approach... so it may not be too straight forward)

6; OMG! Copernicus has a heliocentric view of the universe, you! How dare you stand up at the front of the class and make reference to the changing views of the universe while thinking Copernicus had a geocentric view! omg omg omg omg omg!!! GRRR!!!! >:O (Note, I can't think of any more funny ones so I put down what I was thinking the one day in one of my classes when a teacher of mine mentioned "Copernicus's geocentric view of the universe" But naturally I didn't want to disrupt the class and shame the teacher. So it is something I will never say to a teacher :))

7; An hour and fifteen minutes is never a long enough time.

8; Here's my homework, on time and completed.

9; I remember you mentioned you liked bananas, so I made you some fresh homemade muffins from scratch.

10; Just a second, just let me finish reading this scene. (Of Shakespeare, naturally)

So.. I got through ten. Yay.


Victoria Roth said...

haha oh my words Traci. you're crazy and you're right. You would never say those things to teachers

Anonymous said... really need a lot of work..that was more than a little your homework.
keep trying though..good luck