Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Ok so today I was writing an article for my philosophy magazine and I started it off with and list and went typing away writing this article. The I got to thinking about the other article I wrote, started of with another damn list. And the more I thought of it the more I realized I rely on lists far too much in my writing (espcially as leads) but I also use them for titles, endings, filler and nearly any part of my writing. I also thought back to previous time I've held onto the clutch of lists and I realized I use them in nearly all my writing, I used them in my speech last year, in my summative essay last year and in countless writing projects i've done this year, Ive probably even used them in blogs!

Har har. I sure hope you enjoyed that irony as much as I did. O_o Because if you did it wasn't that much.

1 comment:

Katrina Hall said...

if lists are what works for you, then continue! haha we all have ways of writing and putting things together.