Saturday, January 13, 2007


This is a short story I wrote a while back.  Its not polished... and it's a bit dark and a bit smutty.
I apologize for that.
Also if any of you read the other story I posted it deals with the innocence of youth in a soft sci-fi manner; this one does as well.

It was a typical day in the year 20XX, crime was hardly ever heard of. No vulgarities or indecencies to speak of, everything was fine. Why? One might ask, it is simple the current government had learned an important lesson from the past, and that was 'if there is anyone you don't like or is causing you trouble – gas them. Thusly crime, and such other vulgarities were unheard of.
Growing up in this day and age was much simpler for children, now that crime was gone. Also much safer for the most part. Alice was your typical seven year old. Quite a natural beauty with golden curls atop her head. With big green eyes, and in her blue dress, white socks, white undershirt, white socks and black shoes no one could resist her. Including Alice's father who was unable to resist her on more than one occasion. Her white panties, hanging from the best post served as a flag declaring surrender to those wishing to conquer new land.
Living in a day and age when such crimes were unheard of Alice had no reason to believe anything was wrong. She assumed it was normal, however she did not like this.
One day, while playing with dolls with her mother, Alice reenacted these actions with the dolls. For reasons unknown to Alice her mother got very upset.
“Why did you do that? Has he ever done anything like that to you?” were two of many of her questions. Alice, not knowing what lying was answered every question truthfully and honestly to the best of her ability.
Alice's mother did not know what to do, or where to go. Unlike Alice he knew what he was doing is wrong. She decided the best course of action was to inform the police, and get Alice's father out of their lives. There was a problem however, pedophilia, rape, incest, divorce.... these were all vulgarities, problems from the  early 20th century the government had worked on eliminating. She rationalized that since Alice was young, she could be taught to forget, so Alice would not be gassed. Alice would also need someone to take care of her, so she would be saved. Alice's father, she was sure he would not be spared. She did not really care, on the basis of their marriage was a sham and they had never been in love. Arranged marriages, another government idea.
Single parents in this day and age were rarely unheard of, but Alice's mother was positive they must exist. She phoned the local authorities.
They arrested Alice's father for holding right away, such vulgar people should not be on the streets. The next day a kind looking police office came back to Alice's house to speak with Alice and her mother. When Alice, not knowing what lying was, confirmed the story the police gave a cue on his phone to have Alice's father gassed.
The police officer then told Alice to go away and play. Not knowing was disobedience was Alice did as he told.
“This must be very difficult for you,” the police offered kind words to Alice's mother.
“I can't believe what horrible deeds went on and under my roof,” Alice's mother said, in quite a disbelief.
“My department and I will need to further discuss this, but I think Alice might be a gassing case,” he said, averting eye contact.
Alice's mother's eyes narrowed and she paused as if lost for words, “why, my baby didn't do anything wrong.”
“I know, and it's always hard to see your child die but,” in was now the officer's turn to pause. Alice meanwhile was playing dolls again.
The officer swallowed, “things like this affect children greatly. You cannot make her forget about it, and the truth of the matter is often times girls who have this happen will be unable to live successful lives.”
“What do you mean?” Alice's mother asked.
“In the early 20th century when, these indecencies were rampant. Often time children who were involved in these activities ended up committing crime, usually in the sex trade,” he handed her a pamphlet containing statistics.
There it was, all the facts. Cold, hard undeniable evidence.
The officer then put his hand comfortingly on Alice's mother's hand looked her in the eyes and said, “It's not for sure yet. Alice could be one of the lucky few who gets overlooked, but you need to ask yourself, would you rather your daughter die comfortably and innocently now or in a few years after knowing how her innocence was taken from her?
He then stood up and began to walk away.
“I've decided,” Alice's mother called to the officer, “I'd rather she die peacefully now. Just let us have one more night together, as mother and daughter.”
“I'll be here tomorrow at nine,” the officer said then he left.
That night Alice and her mother baked cookies, played dolls and watched movies until the late hours of the night. Alice wasn't sure why her mother looked as though she was about to uneasy. Alice began to worry, but her worrying came to an end when her mother woke her up at 8:30am the next day.
The officer was there in a government car the next morning at nine as promised. Alice and her mother went inside the car, Alice was still sleepy from their late night.
They arrived at the government building, it had a clean, sterile coldness to it. Alice told her mother it reminded her of the doctors.
They came to this one room, with a window looking into a smaller room. They asked Alice if she would go with them into the smaller room without her mother. Alice had no reason not to trust them, but she didn't want to, she held on tightly to her mother.
Alice's mother held her back, but after a few moments of hugging each other Alice's mother told Alice she had to go into the small room.
The first thing they did to Alice was strap her to a bed in the smaller room, she began to struggle. But after feeling a prick in her leg she began to calm down. There was a doctor in the smaller room with Alice, he was very nice. He told her that she was going on a vacation of sorts, but it wasn't somewhere you could get to by going on an airplane.
Alice looked into the window and saw that her mother was crying.
“Why is my mommy crying?” she asked, feeling very calm.
“Don't worry young one, she is simply upset that she doesn't get to go on the trip with you,” he told Alice, while strapping a surgical mask that was attached to a tube onto her.
“Now do you know how to count to 100, little one?” he asked, as he placed his index and middle finger on Alice's neck.
“Yeah,” Alice said, although she felt the question to be off topic.
“Could you do it for me?” he asked warmly.
Alice, not knowing what disobedience was did as she was told.
100... 99....98.....97.......96........



Victoria Roth said...

I'd have to agree with Jessica. I mean, it's well written, I just don't like what happens.

joe cvetich said...

A thought-provoking story. Keep working at it Traci, it needs a lot of editing(for writing errors and to more fully, logically explain the laws and reasons behind them in the society) but don't change the ending!