Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Blargenjargen, UGH!

So with being sick and it being in the beatiful pre-report card time I have been SCRAMBLING to get homework done and get caught up. It really really bites, because I know the "shit will hit the fan" (for lack of a better term) on Friday, Feburary second. Ok but thats cool and all I used to that kindve stuff happening but what super sucks is that on the weekend my brother had a plug-in fireplace (who knew they existed,eh?) plugged in and it blew a fuse in our wall which in turn burned a fuse or breaker or something. Anyways it would be an easy fix( atleast for computer savvy people like me and my brother) but it will require buying a part, and we are also very cheap people who are stuck living out in the boonies so we have no stores near us even if we were willing to pay the money. The same thing happened with my earring, well sortve. I mean it fell out and I lost it and I haven't been to Kitchener to get a replacement(Like I'd want to pay the money to get a new one anyway So I've been stuck with a straw in my one hole. Kay so now I'm off to do research while I have a computer <3

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