Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Story: Analysis

Ok so firstly... I really hate being sick, but I think I'm almost over this half week of this hell.

Also I  thought I'd like to revisit my last blog about my story because some people didn't like the ending.  And I thought it would be good to clear some things up and explain the logic behind it because it is just an early draft and not everything is there.

Well, firstly it somewhat shows a mirror of mistakes from previous and current government super powers. Firstly with the Nazi's and also with modern day parts of East Asia and the Middle east where the punishments do not fit the crime/ not really even a crime.  It shows that even in a society where extreme action is taken to prevent bad things from happening, that there will always be slip-ups. The moment that it had happened to the girl she became an anachronism of that society which I beieve challengers how our society deals with outcasts, are we too hard on them? Not hard enough? That is to say that when the current system fails to protect someones basic human rights who feels the consequences? Sorry if that doesn't quite make a lot of sense.

Also with the girl herself, I'd say her death was very peaceful. Just slipping off into a deep sleep with thoughts of hopscotch and unicorns or some innocent shit like that. And admittenly I didn't present the other possibilty in the story nearly as well as I should've but the negative effects that sexual abuse has on children is undeniable. Particularily as they get older. So with this ending she will never go through a long painful journey, particularily to find out 'why?'. She will never have to deal with having problems as who she is as a person, later on, or need to worry that she could become victim of the 'abuse cycle'. So both options presented it's hard to see why any possible ending would make sense other than her peaceful end.

PS: sorry if that didn't make sense to anyone who didnt read my story I was originally just going to post this as a comment but I figured it would be more likely to be seen as a new blog.

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