Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Power of V

So today will pretty much go down as the best day in January thus far. This is because of a couple key things and I shall tell you them.

So Sunday I became aware I lost the book I'm doing for my Independant English study. So I searched the house up and down, up and down, up and down and didn't find it. So I concluded it was PROBABLY at school. And the last two places I remember having it was in the Library or in my one class. So I look in the library and looking for a specific non-library book in a library can be difficult. Then I concluded it was not in the Library. So then when I had my class that I had remembered reading it in "the power of V" happened. I'll explain the power of "V" after I show you our conversation.Also Im going to leave the teachers name out of it for their sake.

Me: Have you happened to see a brown novel in here, ummm it's called Timequake?
Teacher:Timequake, eh? That sounds like a Vonnegut novel.
Me: Why yes it is. And I've lost it...
Him: Talks about how much he likes Vonnegut.
Me: Talks about how much I like Vonnegut and how much my life is sucking because I lost the Vonnegut book Im doing for my ISU.
Him: Well, I haven't seen it, but if you arn't able to find your copy I could lend you mine.

Ok now to explain the power of V. V stands for Vonnegut who is like this *awesome* author guy who if mentioned to say.... 20-30% of the adult population some sort've magic in them will spark. Like I have never had a meaningful conversation with this teacher before, and he offered to lend me his copy. How cool is that?

This also isn't the first time the power of V has shone it's light to me. Other times include:
buying Galapagos at Virgin Records in Chicago(store clerk was so pleased with my purchase);
a couple talks I've had about him with the woman who works at the New Hamburg bookstore;
the one time he ended up being the topic of conversation with an older friend and them being like "he is god!"
and the most significant time that power of V has happened was when a young James Spencer stole a copy of "Breakfast of Champions" from his music room after it had been abandoned there for quite some time, which he then passed on to me.

Me and a much older James Spencer (same James, just we've grown up since the discovery) are currently in a very slow race to see who can read all his books first. Although, knowing him he has won and hasn't bothered mentioning it yet.

Ok and well it's passed my bedtime and I still have physics homework to do so the other part of today that made it awesome was work. I got oven "fresh" bread aka frozen bread that has been reheated in the oven. Yum. And me and this one girl were slacking off and we made videos/took pictures of ourselves with paper bag masks.

PS: I've also found my book which adds more to the awesomeness of today.

1 comment:

Victoria Roth said...

That's awesome Traci. I love when happy stuff happens.