Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mechanical Masters

So last week my computer broke, and as a person I have never been happier! Like at first it was really stupid and annoying because if I wanted to get together with friends I'd have to first call them (LAME!) But I have been getting so much stuff done, for example. Last night I:
Did a load of Laundry,
Reorganized the mess of cables behind my tv,
walked my dog,
finished some homework,
and went to bed at a more than respectable time.
It's really awesome, Im ahead on all my school work (except writers craft which is on the computer).
So I challenge you, go a week disobeying you're mechanical master and it'll be sweet.

Also, I have an anecdote.
My mom is always getting on my nerves for not helping with the dishes more often, but I think the dirty dishes in the cupboards speak for themselves :D


Cole Jancsar said...

Whats wrong with your computer? You should take it to Focus Computers in New Hamburg.......... lol

Sosnos said...

o my dear lord.. i dont think I could go a day without my computer.. it is my MASTER. I'm like a dog! without my computer I could like.. get hit by a car!