Friday, May 11, 2007


May 10th, 2007
Dear Chemistry,
I first met you two years ago however several differences we had kept us apart. It is not until recently that I have gotten to really know you and all your wonders; but there is something I must tell you. I'm leaving you, I've never liked you and infact I've hated you for so long. I thought I could use you and your position of power in life, but you are so boring, the time we've spent together- the early mornings, the late night rendezvous, the weekend we spent entirely together. All the time, I've hated you. You are so complex, I feel like we can't relate, you're like a mystery I cannot solve. Nor do I want to. I never wanted to be with you, and I'm leaving you
-Sincerely Traci

May 11th, 2007
I apologize for the letter I sent you. I sent that out of anger and disgust. But I do need you, and I should hope we will soon get along because I will be spending much more time together in the future and that one day I will understand your rules and your manic fits of rage.
-Warmly Traci

1 comment:

Victoria Roth said...

very nice traci ... if you had left the "dear" line blank I would have thought you were talking about someone.