Monday, March 05, 2007


I'm not impressed with the tv today.
Two Reasons:

Doctor Phil:
My mom was watching it and I was in the room... basically Doctor Phil was like "With Anna Nicole's death the media has been exploiting it and I think its disgusting." Meanwhile, the entire show was devote to her death.

Canada Am:
This morning before school I was watching Canada Am and there was a report on Two teens who got two toddlers high. Firstly, the new reporter kept using slang like "Fat Joint" , "tolking" and "dope". Which I'm like laaaammee.... someone is trying to be cool.
Also what really annoyed me was that the news reporters, a police officer and probably more people said "this is the worst thing that I have ever seen." and Im thinking. FUCK! Get some perspective. Like, open your eyes to the world. Like who has it worse, two kids inhaling drugs or.... I dunno kids in Africa who get subjected to extreme poverty and aids. Or like children sex slaves. Seriously, I hate how our culture seems to be able to disregard terrible things going on in the world, but god forbid our kids get subjected to drugs that young. Anyways... I could rant on and on about this for a long time but I won't put you through that. Instead...
here's a link to something else that really annoys me.,0,6827615.story

PS: It's about Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.

1 comment:

Patrick Zac said...

What a depressing blog.