Monday, June 04, 2007

A year in Retrospect

So I'm putting my portfolio together and Im sortve thinking :O 75% of my projects I just did to say they were done and now I've FUCKED myself over. (I'm almost certain I'm not alone on this.) And so I've been reflecting on this course throughout the year and I've realized that this is one of the few courses where I think what I as the student is more important than what the class gets out of me. In the sense of Normal English, the most important thing was that by April the course got a formal literate essay comparing two books, it doesn't matter that I learned an appreciate for Shakespeare or that I felt sympathy for the Joads who had lost everything in Grapes of Wrath, all that mattered was that I got the goddamn essay outline in and got a half decent mark on it.)
Now I supose every class I should have the attitude that I do with normal english... maybe not... but I supose if I had taken this class and thought, I'm going to write the best goddamn poem I've ever wrotten, and crap. Not like "Oh shit.... poem's due... *writes a half assed one*" I'd be in a much better position now.
Which actually reminds me of a conversation I had a couple weeks ago, to protect identities I'm going to refer to the fellow as Mitch.
Mitch: can't wait until next year, writers craft and Studies in Lit.
Me: You might not be able to take both, traditionally they happen at the same time.
Mitch: In that case I'll take WC next year and Studies in Lit my 5th year.
Me: If you're taking a 5th year you might as well take Studies in Lit next year.. you know how they always say to become a better writer you should read, read, read and analyze and reflect.
Mitch: Yeah, but I'm a pretty good writer now, I mean I won the laws of life essay contest.
Me: yeah but I mean you will probably do much better in WC after having a year to study and analyze literature, I mean I wish I wouldv'e done that.
Mitch: Maybe the course was a little heavy and hard for you, but like I said I won the LAWS OF LIFE ESSAY CONTEST I think I can handle it.
Me: Oh it isn't that I can't handle it, it's just that I would've been a stronger writer, in my opinion if I had studied more.
Mitch: Well, I do read now and I did win the laws of life essay contest so I think I'm as strong of writer as I'll ever be.
Me: STFU! No one cares that you won the goddamn laws of life essay contest, I won the freakign childrens lit category of the english awards but you dont hear me adding it to every sentance! *shoots in the shoulder* FUCKING TAKE STUDIES IN LIT B4 WRITIERS CRAFT, ITS THE MOST FUCKING LOGICAL COURSE OF ACTION AND IF YOU DON'T THE NEXT BULLET WILL GO THROUGH YOUR HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

Ok... so the last part didn't happen but that conversation Mitch really was annoying me, because he mentioned that he did infact win the laws of life essay contest, and that he didn't see my point that it may not affect his mark much in the course but it would greatly effect what he takes from WC if he took studies in lit first. Not that I regret taking WC this year, but sometimes I wonder....
perhaps incorrectly, but I'm sure I'm right. I always am.