All right, so lately I've been doing some self assements of myself. (Hahaha its funny because its redudant X( ) Anyways I've decided I'm too... something. Be it strongheaded or passionate or opinionated or whatever.
For example I'm always getting mad at customers at Tim Hortons were I work. But I'm really good at being fake so they would never guess at how much I hate them. I could go into examples but screw that.
So.... I thought hey I should care less; you know what I should care less about stupid stuff in general. So I figured "hey apathetic people don't care; I will try strive for apathy!" (ironic I know). Not to mentioned this whole apathy business would take care of some other undesired traits that I possess (I had a hell of a time figuring out the right spelling of that word).
But before I began my quest of apathy I thought I would go out to the people and see what they thought, and by a general question of "Do you think apathy is a trait to be desired?" I was met with many responses. I will leave out names but I'll put some of my favourite repsonces.
"Apathy.... sounds familiar what does that mean again?"
"Hmm... striving for apathy.... Ha! I get it it's a joke right?"
"I guess apathy is a trait to e desired only if the person wants to be apathetic."
"Apathy, ugh! No, apathy is disgusting. Why would anyone ever want to be apathetic?"
So I'm going to end on that note because the last response led to a conversation which led me to rethink this whole apathy business. Our Convo went as followed.
Me: Do you think apathy is a trait to be desired?
Him:Apathy, ugh! No, apathy is disgusting. Why would anyone ever want to be apathetic?
Me: Why do you get so offended by apathy?
Him: Its just such a waste, I mean people should be passionate and strive for a better tomorrow. They shouldn't just shrug their shoulders and keep their head down.
Me: But see, lately I've been thinking; I care to much and I just explode over so much I wish I could just.... stop caring.
Him: Apathy is a bit of an extreme, passion is what has pushed this world out of the dark-ages....
Me: What about Zen. Do you think being Zen is bad?
Him: No, theyre two completely different ideas.
Me: But is it possible to be zen but keep one's passion?
Him: I dont see why not.
Him: Well good luck on you little quest and tell me how it goes.
Now I would like to leave you all with a question. Is it possible to become Zen while attaining one's passion?
Also I would like to note I'm going with a more slang use of the word Zen. And likely misusing the hell out of it, but don't worry smile and be merry.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
So there are two ways I would like to revolutionize this world:
#1: Teeth Brushing-
I would like to see a world where there are toothbrushes and toothpaste in the shower. I mean I've only started doing this but I love it. I mean especially in the winter it's nice having the extra 3mins in the nice warm shower. And people are less likely to forget to brush their teeth it will be like "Lalalalala.... washing my hair...lalalalala.... not practising proper oral hygeine....lalala..... oh yeah my toothbrush is right infront of me sweet!". Also I always notice when I have plague when I'm in the shower... it's so strange. But... flossing will still need to be done outside of the shower becuase I think with the warm wet enviroment the floss would become mouldy. Also, I know that shower toothbrushing isn't unheard of but it isn't common either.
#2: Double apostrophe words-
So....I've also decided I want "You'rn't" an acceptable replacement for the phrase "You are not." And other phrases like that. Like "there'sn't" "There is not" . This is becuase I hate choosing "You're not" vs "You arn't". This will take a long time to reach people because... many people don't feel conflicted when making the choice and also most proper papers arn't allowed to have apostrophes at all! Well, to abbreviate words that it.
#1: Teeth Brushing-
I would like to see a world where there are toothbrushes and toothpaste in the shower. I mean I've only started doing this but I love it. I mean especially in the winter it's nice having the extra 3mins in the nice warm shower. And people are less likely to forget to brush their teeth it will be like "Lalalalala.... washing my hair...lalalalala.... not practising proper oral hygeine....lalala..... oh yeah my toothbrush is right infront of me sweet!". Also I always notice when I have plague when I'm in the shower... it's so strange. But... flossing will still need to be done outside of the shower becuase I think with the warm wet enviroment the floss would become mouldy. Also, I know that shower toothbrushing isn't unheard of but it isn't common either.
#2: Double apostrophe words-
So....I've also decided I want "You'rn't" an acceptable replacement for the phrase "You are not." And other phrases like that. Like "there'sn't" "There is not" . This is becuase I hate choosing "You're not" vs "You arn't". This will take a long time to reach people because... many people don't feel conflicted when making the choice and also most proper papers arn't allowed to have apostrophes at all! Well, to abbreviate words that it.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Top Ten - Music
So I've decided to do a top ten, but unliked traditional top tens it won't be confined to like just artists or just songs. I'm going to mix and match.
10: Eminem -
The reason I like him isn't so much that I like his music in its nature; it's fairly entertaining music, granted, but the reason I like it is because of a lot of fond memories asscociated with him. Those fond memories being sitting in my brother's room with him and playing then N64 together and listening to Eminem, mostly there was the occassional Dr Dre. I think this was early in the time we got to know eachother as people.
9: You're my angel(It's on a mixed cd?) -
This is a happy hardcore (sub-genre of 'techno'**) song, that is on a mixed cd given to my brother. The reason I like it is because I feel it makes great use of synthesised music and avoids the annoying cliches associated with techno music. It also has a bit of lyrical content which I felt is well writ, although it could just be poetic sentimentality. "You're my angel. You're the only sunshine in my life; feels like heaven when you take me in your arms." (thats repeated throughout the song)
8: Alice Cooper-
I don't know why but I've always liked Alice Cooper. I find his lyrics to be cryptic and scary.... without doing that. Also, unlike most of his fan's I love his ballads. Like 'I never Cry' and 'Only Woman Bleed.' I bought the Dragontown albumn and was incredibly dissappointed with that, but I do have Killer which was gotten by means unbenounced to me.
7: Alien Ant Farm -
These guys are great, but see their first two singles (especially their first, Smooth Criminal) do not hold a candle to the rest of their music. Two of my favourite songs by them would be Courageous, SS recognize andDeath Day.
6: Joker and the Theif(Wolfmother)-
Wolfmother is highly influenced by Hendrix etc so to myself it wasn't difficult to make the connection between this song and 'Along the Watchtower' (actually written by Bob Dylan, if I'm not mistaken). Me and my friend both agree that this song should be on guitar hero.
5: Only (NIN)-
Ok, well there is no difinite collection of NIN songs I like, I mean there is probably is a greatest hits collection that I would -LOVE- but alack not to my knowledge. And a lot of their music to me sounds the same with the occassional song that jsut stands out and its like reaching musical Nirvana. This song is from the albumn With Teeth and very ironically I had originally typed closer confusing the two songs.....
4: Joyful Rebellion(K-Os)-
K-Os is what hiphop should be. His lyrics are very insightful, pretty much the cd is full of songs that can put a hop in your step though however as the albumn tapiers to its end it has some weird alien effect. Which I personally don't like but I appreciate the artist effect.
3 :Apocalyptica -
Ok, first lemme make sure I got all the letters right......yep, looks like it. This is a band of primarily cellos, and violins etc. They do covers of mostly Metallica songs, but they do other bands too and some original stuff. They play mad crazy like. There is no other phrase to describe it.
2:Fast Car(Tracy Chapman) -
I prefer the David Usher version of this song, but Tracy Chapman *did* write it and a lot of other beautiful (lyrically) music so I figured she ought to deserve credit. The reason I like this song is because it tells a story and has a simple yet catchy tune. The story is of a girl who asks this guy to take his car and drive away with her where they can start a new life away from their old one. But in the end it is learnt that you can escape your situation easily but you cannot escape who you are and the oppression associated with you are.
1: David Usher-
He's pretty much my favourite artist and most long lasting favourite artist. He is fairly known in Canada and more so in Taiwan (he was born in england and grew up in montreal I beleive). He was the front man for the band Moist, and he has lived quite an interesting life. My fav songs include 'Im coming down' and 'Alone in the Universe tonight'.
PS: An honorable mention goes to 'The lament of a Pretty Baby' by Cursive, only I never thought about it until I only had two spaces left.
**techno: I have been trained to hate this term because it's so vague. Because it's the same as sayin something like "rock music" because rock can mean anything from marylin manson to buddy holly. Yes, beleive it or not there are subgenres of Electronica, or "techno" if you will; and they do sound different O_O
10: Eminem -
The reason I like him isn't so much that I like his music in its nature; it's fairly entertaining music, granted, but the reason I like it is because of a lot of fond memories asscociated with him. Those fond memories being sitting in my brother's room with him and playing then N64 together and listening to Eminem, mostly there was the occassional Dr Dre. I think this was early in the time we got to know eachother as people.
9: You're my angel(It's on a mixed cd?) -
This is a happy hardcore (sub-genre of 'techno'**) song, that is on a mixed cd given to my brother. The reason I like it is because I feel it makes great use of synthesised music and avoids the annoying cliches associated with techno music. It also has a bit of lyrical content which I felt is well writ, although it could just be poetic sentimentality. "You're my angel. You're the only sunshine in my life; feels like heaven when you take me in your arms." (thats repeated throughout the song)
8: Alice Cooper-
I don't know why but I've always liked Alice Cooper. I find his lyrics to be cryptic and scary.... without doing that. Also, unlike most of his fan's I love his ballads. Like 'I never Cry' and 'Only Woman Bleed.' I bought the Dragontown albumn and was incredibly dissappointed with that, but I do have Killer which was gotten by means unbenounced to me.
7: Alien Ant Farm -
These guys are great, but see their first two singles (especially their first, Smooth Criminal) do not hold a candle to the rest of their music. Two of my favourite songs by them would be Courageous, SS recognize andDeath Day.
6: Joker and the Theif(Wolfmother)-
Wolfmother is highly influenced by Hendrix etc so to myself it wasn't difficult to make the connection between this song and 'Along the Watchtower' (actually written by Bob Dylan, if I'm not mistaken). Me and my friend both agree that this song should be on guitar hero.
5: Only (NIN)-
Ok, well there is no difinite collection of NIN songs I like, I mean there is probably is a greatest hits collection that I would -LOVE- but alack not to my knowledge. And a lot of their music to me sounds the same with the occassional song that jsut stands out and its like reaching musical Nirvana. This song is from the albumn With Teeth and very ironically I had originally typed closer confusing the two songs.....
4: Joyful Rebellion(K-Os)-
K-Os is what hiphop should be. His lyrics are very insightful, pretty much the cd is full of songs that can put a hop in your step though however as the albumn tapiers to its end it has some weird alien effect. Which I personally don't like but I appreciate the artist effect.
3 :Apocalyptica -
Ok, first lemme make sure I got all the letters right......yep, looks like it. This is a band of primarily cellos, and violins etc. They do covers of mostly Metallica songs, but they do other bands too and some original stuff. They play mad crazy like. There is no other phrase to describe it.
2:Fast Car(Tracy Chapman) -
I prefer the David Usher version of this song, but Tracy Chapman *did* write it and a lot of other beautiful (lyrically) music so I figured she ought to deserve credit. The reason I like this song is because it tells a story and has a simple yet catchy tune. The story is of a girl who asks this guy to take his car and drive away with her where they can start a new life away from their old one. But in the end it is learnt that you can escape your situation easily but you cannot escape who you are and the oppression associated with you are.
1: David Usher-
He's pretty much my favourite artist and most long lasting favourite artist. He is fairly known in Canada and more so in Taiwan (he was born in england and grew up in montreal I beleive). He was the front man for the band Moist, and he has lived quite an interesting life. My fav songs include 'Im coming down' and 'Alone in the Universe tonight'.
PS: An honorable mention goes to 'The lament of a Pretty Baby' by Cursive, only I never thought about it until I only had two spaces left.
**techno: I have been trained to hate this term because it's so vague. Because it's the same as sayin something like "rock music" because rock can mean anything from marylin manson to buddy holly. Yes, beleive it or not there are subgenres of Electronica, or "techno" if you will; and they do sound different O_O
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Happy Birthday
This isn't a happy birthday to me blog. It is however a happy birthday to socrates blog.
But once again misconception plays a part, I'm not wishing Socrates the philosopher a happy birthday, it is to a much less known, and much less human Socrates:

This is a picture of him, when he was twelve weeks oldish.
I knew the breeder, so I first saw him when he was only a week old, and I had always loved minipoodles and me and my mom had discussed getting a second dog. So after some long conversations we decided to get him. I loved him, from the moment I saw him I knew it was love. He was my baby, he was prefect. I named him Socrates because well I had never really met a dog named Socrates before and it was a really all purpose name, I mean... you could make it the playful Socky (which is delightfully pronounced the same as a type of asian wine) or just Classic "Socks" and that sounds like such a name for a dog.
Today wouldv'e been his second birthday, and I say wouldv'e because last Summer.... or maybe it was even October (I try not to think about it) I was walking him and I had tied him up to a post a Foodland, and when I was untying him I wasn't really holding onto him tight enough and he pulled away and ran into the busy street. He was hurt, but atleast he was still alive, but he wasn't really moving too well. I held him, with tears streaming down my eyes as I made a call home. My mom called the vets and then picked me up, we waited for what seemed like nearly an enternity to get a call back from the vets, in which time shock was wearing off and Socs was becoming more and more discomforted. We finally get there, and the vet said that because he was so pale for so long that he had internal bleeding, and since after a lot of movement tests in which Socs showed no sign of reaction it was clear he was paralyzed from the waist down.
I didn't want to lose him, I mean he meant so much to me. I refused to hear this, so I opted for an X-ray, it showed that his pelvis was literally smashed into dozens of pieces and the Vet truthfully told us that he didn't think it would be possible to repair.
As much as I hated to admit it I knew nothing could be done to save him, so I told the Vet to prepare to do what he had to, he asked if I wanted some alone time with the dog. I told him no, simply because I didn't want Socs being in pain any longer.
So I kissed him on the forehead said goodbye.
But once again misconception plays a part, I'm not wishing Socrates the philosopher a happy birthday, it is to a much less known, and much less human Socrates:
This is a picture of him, when he was twelve weeks oldish.
I knew the breeder, so I first saw him when he was only a week old, and I had always loved minipoodles and me and my mom had discussed getting a second dog. So after some long conversations we decided to get him. I loved him, from the moment I saw him I knew it was love. He was my baby, he was prefect. I named him Socrates because well I had never really met a dog named Socrates before and it was a really all purpose name, I mean... you could make it the playful Socky (which is delightfully pronounced the same as a type of asian wine) or just Classic "Socks" and that sounds like such a name for a dog.
Today wouldv'e been his second birthday, and I say wouldv'e because last Summer.... or maybe it was even October (I try not to think about it) I was walking him and I had tied him up to a post a Foodland, and when I was untying him I wasn't really holding onto him tight enough and he pulled away and ran into the busy street. He was hurt, but atleast he was still alive, but he wasn't really moving too well. I held him, with tears streaming down my eyes as I made a call home. My mom called the vets and then picked me up, we waited for what seemed like nearly an enternity to get a call back from the vets, in which time shock was wearing off and Socs was becoming more and more discomforted. We finally get there, and the vet said that because he was so pale for so long that he had internal bleeding, and since after a lot of movement tests in which Socs showed no sign of reaction it was clear he was paralyzed from the waist down.
I didn't want to lose him, I mean he meant so much to me. I refused to hear this, so I opted for an X-ray, it showed that his pelvis was literally smashed into dozens of pieces and the Vet truthfully told us that he didn't think it would be possible to repair.
As much as I hated to admit it I knew nothing could be done to save him, so I told the Vet to prepare to do what he had to, he asked if I wanted some alone time with the dog. I told him no, simply because I didn't want Socs being in pain any longer.
So I kissed him on the forehead said goodbye.
- "The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways--I to die and you to live. Which is the better, only God knows."(Socrates Quoted in: Plato's Apology, sct. 42a. Last words of his speech to the court following the sentence of death imposed on him by the Athenians.)
There are no words in the english language that I'm familar with to describe how awful I felt during those hours and how much it has impacted me since.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Stop the madness!
To discontinue the genocide of interesting topics of my blog Ive decided I would write the great american novel (Im aware I'm in canada, Im also aware there's no such thing as 'the great canadian novel') . Then after several failed attempts to log in I realized I was using my normal computer log in name; which consequently is not my real name.
So this blog shall be all about internet aliases, I shall post the anthology of all three that I've used and I hope your comments shall be filled with your own.
SGGG(aka Super GoGo Girl aka Super Gothic GoGo Girl):
This login name came about in grade 9 based off a comic I had the intentions of writing based off a drawing I did within the confine of my geography notes (Is it just me or was Mr Mulligan the creepiest teacher, Evvah?!?) Which was about a local "goth enthusiast" (hehehe silly grade nines and their oxymorons, and their-their wild drug parties) who falls into a sewer and somehow gets transported back to thw 1960's era and must go under cover as a GoGo dancer until she finds her way home. Also with a Fox/Rabbit boss named Lenard* is also the Evil villian who is a transvestite (goes by Roxxie while in villian form). So hillarity was sure to ensue; but instead a username and e-mail adress did.
Knox Caliver(Attorney at Law and Unliscenced surgeon):
This comes from two things; without knowing the name Knox had already existed I created using my two favourite letter combinations "kn" and "ox" ; don't ask me why just accept this as fact. And the fact that as cool as "caliber" sounds its by no means a suitable last name for one as cool as Knox, and the b makes it too harsh. So I went through nearly the entire alphabet looking for a letter to replace b and had nearly given up when I came upon V. How angelic V sounds, ne pas? But then as forementioned, the name knox kept popping up like chlamydia in todays sexually active teens. And while althougth preforming unliscenced surgery is a fun and practical way to spend ones spare time the name Knox Caliver was gaining a lot of street cred for this and it needed to stop. So a new alias needed to be born to take this internet junkie into November 2006. Which brings me to my latest.
Suicide Sal(In no way affliated with some stop animation film made about 10 years ago):
Now why might I wish to have such a harsh word such as suicide attached to my name. While the fact is; the name in its entirety is an allusion to American outlaw Bonnie Parker. Better known as the first half in Bonnie and Clyde. Firstly, you must know that I have always had a great fascination with American History, particularily American Outlaws, even more particularily the story of Bonnie and Clyde. So it's somewhat natural that I would want to have an alias that alludes to it. Also when Bonnie wasn't off robbing Banks or in jail she was somewhat of a poet, which is where Suicide sal fits in. One of her poems is about Sal.
Its the second from the top
I hope to hear what aliases you all have conjured up for yourselfs.
*You will need to know basic french to understand the play on words with his name
So this blog shall be all about internet aliases, I shall post the anthology of all three that I've used and I hope your comments shall be filled with your own.
SGGG(aka Super GoGo Girl aka Super Gothic GoGo Girl):
This login name came about in grade 9 based off a comic I had the intentions of writing based off a drawing I did within the confine of my geography notes (Is it just me or was Mr Mulligan the creepiest teacher, Evvah?!?) Which was about a local "goth enthusiast" (hehehe silly grade nines and their oxymorons, and their-their wild drug parties) who falls into a sewer and somehow gets transported back to thw 1960's era and must go under cover as a GoGo dancer until she finds her way home. Also with a Fox/Rabbit boss named Lenard* is also the Evil villian who is a transvestite (goes by Roxxie while in villian form). So hillarity was sure to ensue; but instead a username and e-mail adress did.
Knox Caliver(Attorney at Law and Unliscenced surgeon):
This comes from two things; without knowing the name Knox had already existed I created using my two favourite letter combinations "kn" and "ox" ; don't ask me why just accept this as fact. And the fact that as cool as "caliber" sounds its by no means a suitable last name for one as cool as Knox, and the b makes it too harsh. So I went through nearly the entire alphabet looking for a letter to replace b and had nearly given up when I came upon V. How angelic V sounds, ne pas? But then as forementioned, the name knox kept popping up like chlamydia in todays sexually active teens. And while althougth preforming unliscenced surgery is a fun and practical way to spend ones spare time the name Knox Caliver was gaining a lot of street cred for this and it needed to stop. So a new alias needed to be born to take this internet junkie into November 2006. Which brings me to my latest.
Suicide Sal(In no way affliated with some stop animation film made about 10 years ago):
Now why might I wish to have such a harsh word such as suicide attached to my name. While the fact is; the name in its entirety is an allusion to American outlaw Bonnie Parker. Better known as the first half in Bonnie and Clyde. Firstly, you must know that I have always had a great fascination with American History, particularily American Outlaws, even more particularily the story of Bonnie and Clyde. So it's somewhat natural that I would want to have an alias that alludes to it. Also when Bonnie wasn't off robbing Banks or in jail she was somewhat of a poet, which is where Suicide sal fits in. One of her poems is about Sal.
Its the second from the top
I hope to hear what aliases you all have conjured up for yourselfs.
*You will need to know basic french to understand the play on words with his name
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Something I like; part: II *spoilers*
For those who don't know this is a continuation of a game I really like.
So where we left off, our heros had ascended the tower and fought the last boss in the last game and their world starts crumbling.
PS: it gets very weird from here on out
And the secord part of the game starts off and you're now in the "real world" (not mtv's real world though) *holds for laughter* And you find out that your previous world, the junkyard, was nothing more than some computer program and each tribe had a different strategy programmed into it and the tribe that was victorious would have its strategy implemented in military techniques. Also it was by some strange enomoly that they entered the real world.
Also in this real world, everyone who hadn't mutated and have the ability to transform into demons were turned to stone.
And as you play the game you find out that the bright light shone in the Junkyard happened when a cyber shaman (a person who is used in labs to try to speak to god, also in this case sera). Witnessed a fight break out between two Scientists (Heat and Serph) . We then find out that everyone in the junkyard is a representation of someone in the real world. (more specifically the lab)
Serph: Doesn't care about Sera in the real world, only he acted kind towards her to manipulate her.
Heat: Really cared about Sera but knowing what he was doing could kill her, he distanced himself from her.
Argillia: Again nice to Sera, but was also manipulated by Serph.
Gale: A person from the lab Sera wouldv'e only heard about through stories from a character not mention for the purposes of keeping this less complicated than it needs to be.
Also since the serph, heat, argilla etc are as they were created in the program they remain that way in the real world. Then you meet a new Character, roland and during his introduction you see a "photo" flashed of him as a scientist, and also in the picture (although you don't realize it then) is Serph etc. Although you wouldn't realize it the first time you see the picture.
The game then gets even weirder from here on out but since this post is already longer than it should be and I feel as though any reader of this blog (or last) will have been put to sleep.... I'm just going to cut myself off here and stop my talking about a very spefic interest in mine.
So where we left off, our heros had ascended the tower and fought the last boss in the last game and their world starts crumbling.
PS: it gets very weird from here on out
And the secord part of the game starts off and you're now in the "real world" (not mtv's real world though) *holds for laughter* And you find out that your previous world, the junkyard, was nothing more than some computer program and each tribe had a different strategy programmed into it and the tribe that was victorious would have its strategy implemented in military techniques. Also it was by some strange enomoly that they entered the real world.
Also in this real world, everyone who hadn't mutated and have the ability to transform into demons were turned to stone.
And as you play the game you find out that the bright light shone in the Junkyard happened when a cyber shaman (a person who is used in labs to try to speak to god, also in this case sera). Witnessed a fight break out between two Scientists (Heat and Serph) . We then find out that everyone in the junkyard is a representation of someone in the real world. (more specifically the lab)
Serph: Doesn't care about Sera in the real world, only he acted kind towards her to manipulate her.
Heat: Really cared about Sera but knowing what he was doing could kill her, he distanced himself from her.
Argillia: Again nice to Sera, but was also manipulated by Serph.
Gale: A person from the lab Sera wouldv'e only heard about through stories from a character not mention for the purposes of keeping this less complicated than it needs to be.
Also since the serph, heat, argilla etc are as they were created in the program they remain that way in the real world. Then you meet a new Character, roland and during his introduction you see a "photo" flashed of him as a scientist, and also in the picture (although you don't realize it then) is Serph etc. Although you wouldn't realize it the first time you see the picture.
The game then gets even weirder from here on out but since this post is already longer than it should be and I feel as though any reader of this blog (or last) will have been put to sleep.... I'm just going to cut myself off here and stop my talking about a very spefic interest in mine.
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